
Showing posts from November, 2017

Comments Q2 Week Six

Tucker- Free Post Nick- Free Post: Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Free Post

Thanksgiving break was a great time away from school and an even better time to have fun with friends. Personally, I think the break felt rather short; It was also packed with fun. I took a trip up to the El Tesoro ranch in Texas with a few friends. It was a hunting trip. I have never been hunting before and it was a great place to start. I killed my first deer and also killed a giant hog. The trip was very relaxing but also full of energy and was a very fun trip. We spent about a week in Texas and then came back to Baton Rouge with a remainder of three days left of the break. I spent lots of time sleeping and hanging out with friends.

Text Evidence for Draft Thesis

"Behind him, the whole island was shuddering with flame"... "We saw your smoke. And you don't know how many of you there are?" (p. 201) The savage hunters set the island on fire in attempt to kill Ralph, but overall led to their rescue when the officer saw the flames of the island and came to their rescue. The lack of teamwork led to their overall rescue and created a very ironic ending.

Comments Q2 Week Five

Tucker- LOTF given passage page 91 Julia- Symbolism

LOTF Response

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that; and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...] "The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!" "Who cares?" Ralph summoned his wits. "Because the rules are the only thing we've got!" But Jack was shouting against him. "Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91) In The Lord of the Flies  the boys struggle to keep sane. The rules are their only form of government and leadership, and all that begins to slip away as Jack beings to ignore Ralph, even after they voted him as  leader, and causes the democratic government slip away. The conch symbolizes government in itself (at least the think it does). Jack only cares about hunting. That may consist of pigs, th...


Jerry wakes up every morning at the crack of dawn; 5:30 to be exact. The alarm clock blares as he roles out of bed. Jerry laces up his running shoes and sets out the door. He immediately starts running. Running in the morning is his favorite way to start his day. As Jerry feels the cool wind touch his face, he becomes delighted with the autumn air. He continues on his normal route; Past the deli, a right at the corner where the bank sits, and right through the park where he grew up playing. He sprints up the steps of the capital building and overlooks the city. To the left of him is a great flag that rests on a tall shinny pole. Jerry watches the flag as the red, white, and blue colors float elegantly in the wind. He sits to admire the beautiful symbol of beauty and freedom, then starts home with a smile on his face. Flag- Freedom Alarm clock & early mornings- working hard  Park- childhood

Comments Q2 Week Four

Vocabulary Post- Nick Vocabulary (Free Post)- Evan

Vocabulary Free Post

Over 6,000 satellites have been launched in over forty countries. A satellite is man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon. Satellites are used for many different purposes. For example, there are communication satellites, navigation satellites, weather satellites, and space telescopes. With advancements in modern technology satellites are becoming a big part of our daily lives. Every time we access a computer or and technological device we are most likely using a satellite. There are about 1,000 active satellites in space right now that we use on a day to day basis.

Lord of the Flies Reading Response

Lord of the Flies has been an extremely interesting book to read. Over the course of the story it shows us how the characters interact with each other and how the get along on the island. The kids have no parents to help them, so it's all on them to survive. To survive until rescue, it is necessary for the kids to work as a team and each take on their own jobs. As you get further into the book tensions start to rise. They need to build shelters and hunt for food, but most importantly the boys need to keep the fire going, for it is their only chance in getting rescued. A ship comes near but there is no fire lit, therefor no smoke, and no way of being rescued. The ship passes them by and their chance of rescue goes with it. Most kids are las and aren't doing their jobs. This causes tension and problems on the island and causes them to function less as a team.