
Jerry wakes up every morning at the crack of dawn; 5:30 to be exact. The alarm clock blares as he roles out of bed. Jerry laces up his running shoes and sets out the door. He immediately starts running. Running in the morning is his favorite way to start his day. As Jerry feels the cool wind touch his face, he becomes delighted with the autumn air. He continues on his normal route; Past the deli, a right at the corner where the bank sits, and right through the park where he grew up playing. He sprints up the steps of the capital building and overlooks the city. To the left of him is a great flag that rests on a tall shinny pole. Jerry watches the flag as the red, white, and blue colors float elegantly in the wind. He sits to admire the beautiful symbol of beauty and freedom, then starts home with a smile on his face.

Flag- Freedom
Alarm clock & early mornings- working hard 
Park- childhood


  1. This is a very fun blog to read because of all your details. Good job!!


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