Lord of the Flies Reading Response

Lord of the Flies has been an extremely interesting book to read. Over the course of the story it shows us how the characters interact with each other and how the get along on the island. The kids have no parents to help them, so it's all on them to survive. To survive until rescue, it is necessary for the kids to work as a team and each take on their own jobs.

As you get further into the book tensions start to rise. They need to build shelters and hunt for food, but most importantly the boys need to keep the fire going, for it is their only chance in getting rescued. A ship comes near but there is no fire lit, therefor no smoke, and no way of being rescued. The ship passes them by and their chance of rescue goes with it. Most kids are las and aren't doing their jobs. This causes tension and problems on the island and causes them to function less as a team.


  1. I also have the same thoughts with the book as you. They really do not know how to work together.


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