
Showing posts from October, 2017

Own Prompt- How are classes different from other school's classes?

Coming to episcopal from U-high has been a significant change in the classes and the work. There is a lot more work, but it pays off. Since we are all always doing something to prepare for a test or upcoming assignment, there isn't much studying needed. I have only been at this school for almost ten weeks and I have noticed a significant improvement in my grades. I went from enjoying nights with not a lot of homework, but having to spend a great amount of time to study to prepare. When the assignment comes up we should all be ready to take it or even take a short review before the assignment and get a good or decent grade on the test. I would rather do the work and save time by not having to stress over studying.

Human Nature

In this world today, especially in the United States, there are lots of different types of people. All different ethnicities, races, religions, or beliefs make up our country. I would not say that our country functions very well in some areas as most citizens would like, but with all types of different people we have to do our best to work as a "team" or as close to a team as possible. There is not any specific way I see people, or human nature. All people are different. My beliefs on human nature and people's behavior has developed from me being a citizen in this country. There are all the current events with problems with our society these days. We as a "team" need to try to work together to achieve a certain goal for a better functioning society. Maybe if we work on a smaller scale, such as the kids in Lord of the Flies we may be able to fix some things.

Comments Q2 Week Two

Peyton- What are some tricks and ways to manage time? Nick- Importance of Teamwork

Comments Week Eight

Cade- LSU's revenge and Florida's Karma Dylan- Fall Break

Short Story Free Post

Chuck and Ronnie loved to collect shells on the shore of the nearby beach. They would go out every day and pick up shells for hours and hours. They did not go to school and had no education, but they were amazing artist. They would take these shells and turn them into sculptures and paint them and sell them for money. One day they wake up and put on their sunscreen and get ready for a normal day at the beach. They get to the beach only to be greeted by a police officer, who picks them up and takes the to the nearby public school. Their fun was stopped forever.

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings was a very interesting and weird story, but held a great message. An old man with huge, nasty wings on his back was found on a beach and looked like he was in pain. He is then taken in and is housed in a chicken coop. The old man was abused and treated poorly because he didn't look like everyone else. People from all over came around to the see him and paid lots of money to do so. The people began to believe that the old man was an angel and everyone was shocked. Later in the story it tells us that other people have been cursed, by having faults of their own. These people might've done something bad to get cursed. If you look deeper into this story and try to find an overall purpose and theme of the story it has a great message. It shows that you should treat everyone the same and should apply it to your daily life.

Blog Comments Week Seven

Harrison Bergeron- Peyton Flash Story- Drew

Short Story

A long time ago there was a family of ten. A mom and a dad, six boys and two girls. The whole family lived in a trailer in a trailer park. It was a horrible life to live. The youngest boy out of the whole family, named jack, had a great love for animals and had always wanted a pet. His parents would never let Jack get a pet because it was just another mouth to feed and another thing to take care of. On top of all that, they had no money.  Jack one day decided he would run away from home in search of a best friend and loyal companion. It wasn’t long before Jack had wandered to the tree line of a nearby forest and found a beautiful dog that he would call his pet. This dog had a beautiful silver coat and amazing teeth. Jack extended a hand to his new pet only to have his hand bitten off and the rest of his body devoured. It was a wolf.

"Harrison Bergeron"

The story of "Harrison Bergeron" takes place in the future, in the year of 2081. Their government at the time is striving to make everyone equal to solve any problems that any society would have. Making all the citizens equal is a problem in itself. The narrator quietly infers that at a time in the past that all of the citizens would be competing, and trying to one up each other and thats what caused most of their problems. Now the government handicaps all the people to bring all of them down to the same level of intelligence and other traits. Type 1 Why did they forget that their son died? Who was the empress? Type 2 Why didn't Hazel have any handicaps? What caused them to create a society like this? Type 3 What's the significance of the ballerinas? Do we want true equality?