
Showing posts from September, 2017

Comments Week Five

Evan- Shihab Nye Visit Tucker- LSU Game Dialogue


"Hello, Jim. How are you?" "I am just fine." "What are you doing?" "Homework." "How's the homework going?" "Not too great, I have so much homework and I waited until the last minute to do all of it" "Is there anything I can do to help?" "Not really, but thanks for asking." "Are you going to the football game Friday?" "Yes! I'll see you there I guess." "I'll let you get back to your homework. Goodbye." "Bye."

Personal Narrative Update

The personal narrative we have been writing in class about one vivid memory that stands out to us and entertains the reader. I find this has been a somewhat difficult assignment, probably because I have never wrote a personal narrative or have even done a lot of writing in my past. I found it difficult to muster up more information in order to meet the requirement of a two- three page paper. I feel like I gave very vivid detail in some parts of my story, but I also feel that I can incorporate vivid detail into my entire story. I struggled with finding a memory that would capture the reading and make them want to read more, also I needed to find a memory that would meet the necessary requirements in order to get the grade I am striving for. I very much enjoy english and am looking forward to improving my writing throughout the rest of the school year.

Comments Week Four

Thomas- Dear 6 Year Old Tucker- Dear 12 Year Old

Dear 13 Year Old

Thirteen years old can be a crazy and difficult time in a young persons life. Congrats!! You are a teenager now! Turning thirteen means a first for a lot of things, good or bad. During school it is about the time you have to start being a little less dependent on people to get your work done. I feel that becoming a teenager also changes the way you look at life each and every day. This is about the time where fantasies start to fade away and realization starts to come into play. Try to enjoy the change rather than think of it as something negative and just remember that everyone was thirteen once and they probably went through the same things you will go through.


Over the past week or so, we have been reading a few narratives that we have been assigned to read in class. These narratives start off a little slow and boring but in the end it all comes together to change the way you see the book. It may be the way you view the character or even the way the character views the outside world. After reading and seeing how the characters view the world, us as the reader can take the idea from the narrative and put it in action in our daily life. Narratives are a great way to find a great life lesson if you are looking for one.

Comments Week Three

Peyton- Hurricane Katrina Tucker- Current Reading Book

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was an extremely destructive and deadly cyclone and is ranked among the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. This hurricane disrupted many citizens lives in the south and ruined most of their belongings, maybe all they had. This left many people with no homes and the feeling of loss.  Hurricane Katrina was the largest and 3rd strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the United States.  In New Orleans, the levees were designed for Category 3 hurricanes, but Katrina was at a Category 5 hurricane, with winds up to 175 mph. The levees ended up breaking and flooding the city of New Orleans. I pray for the families that lost loved ones or that are still recovering from this horrific event. I also pray that we all stay safe during this hurricane season.

"True Legend" Response 2

Lately, I have been reading True Legend by Mike Lupica. If you did not read my last blog about this story, I will fill you in. Drew Robinson is a young basketball prodigy who is trying to make his way to the top. Drew has to overcome all the obstacles of a young teenage, athlete to focus on what he loves most... Basketball. This story really shows the hard work and dedication of a young man and all the things you have to do to make it to the top. Drew has a few mentors also, they help him out in anyway they can. This can apply to your daily life and looking to your parents or even you teachers for guidance. This is a great read and really relates well with our lives as students.