Personal Narrative Update

The personal narrative we have been writing in class about one vivid memory that stands out to us and entertains the reader. I find this has been a somewhat difficult assignment, probably because I have never wrote a personal narrative or have even done a lot of writing in my past. I found it difficult to muster up more information in order to meet the requirement of a two- three page paper.

I feel like I gave very vivid detail in some parts of my story, but I also feel that I can incorporate vivid detail into my entire story. I struggled with finding a memory that would capture the reading and make them want to read more, also I needed to find a memory that would meet the necessary requirements in order to get the grade I am striving for. I very much enjoy english and am looking forward to improving my writing throughout the rest of the school year.


  1. I found it difficult to write it too, it was hard getting enough detail.


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