Winter Short Story

Juan and Ricardo are twins, both at the age of fifteen. These boys are from Mexico City, Mexico on a foreign exchange trip. The twins have never been on a plane before and have never traveled to the States before. When they heard about the foreign exchange program with a school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana they were eager to sign up. After Juan and Ricardo's parents were finished signing the permission slip and the check the boys grabbed their plane tickets and were heading to Louisiana.

Both boys were very scared about getting on the plane, having it be their first time ever seeing one. After a few hours the boys had arrived in Baton Rouge. When they landed the school was greeted by their family they would be staying with for the next two weeks of their trip. When they all walked outside small, white, flurries of snow were falling from the dark sky. Juan and Ricardo freaked out, as well as the other students. This was the first time any of them had ever seen snow. This trip was the first of many and they are very excited for their next weeks in the United States.


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