Dear 13 Year Old

Thirteen years old can be a crazy and difficult time in a young persons life. Congrats!! You are a teenager now! Turning thirteen means a first for a lot of things, good or bad. During school it is about the time you have to start being a little less dependent on people to get your work done. I feel that becoming a teenager also changes the way you look at life each and every day. This is about the time where fantasies start to fade away and realization starts to come into play. Try to enjoy the change rather than think of it as something negative and just remember that everyone was thirteen once and they probably went through the same things you will go through.


  1. I like how you included a lot of vivid details about what will happen. How did it feel to become a teenager when you turned thirteen?

  2. I really like how you used vivid detail and your writing felt like you were talking to someone. I also like how you told them how your teenage years are going to be.

  3. I like how you included that the fantasies went away. I realized in sixth grade that the way to become successful was through work.


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