Strengths and Challenges

Some of my strengths as a writer is using real life experiences and relating them to my writing. I can start to identify different connections in my life and make it into a well-developed story. I have learned the many different steps of writing and this has truly changed the way I view a writing assignment. I still feel like I have a lot to learn, but I also feel like I have grown a lot as a writer over this past school year and I will continue to use what I learned in years to come.

I feel that I need to work on the in-depth development in my papers. I have always seen this as a weakness of mine and I wish to improve on this in years to come. I feel that the area of developing a paper is very important and is a reason why I wish to look more in depth into this problem. It is important because all good writers can covey exactly what they want the reader to understand and fit it nicely into their story. I look forward to fixing this problem and progressing as a writer.


  1. I too have a challenge with making things detailed. Great post!

  2. I enjoy using real life situations and spilling them onto the page, it gives me a literary rush. That is also a strength of mine. Great post!


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