Purple Hibiscus Reading Response

Purple Hibiscus is beginning to change a lot as the story progresses. Many of the characters begin to change as well. We begin to dive even deeper into the character's head and we learn more and more about them every time we read. Jaja and Kambili go to visit their cousins and stay at their aunt's house. Kambili and Jaja start to change and try to adapt to their cousins way of life. Kambili begins to see Jaja finding joy in helping around the house and smiling. Jaja loves staying with Aunty Ifeoma and enjoys the activities and life they live. Kambili does not seem to like it there, she feels that that they do many ungodly things and that Papa would not approve. 

Father Amadi is also introduced, he tries to change Kambili's point of view on the world for the better. Kambili has a little crush on Father Amadi but keeps it to herself. She also sees him as a different type of catholic priest. On the other hand, Papa-Nnukwu comes to live with them. He is dying and everyone is very upset, except Kambili. She remains thinking about how upset papa will be  if he finds out his kids ae living under the same roof as a heathen. This means that Kambili is struggling with change and still does not yet know what love is.


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