Song Poem

You only need the light
when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when
it starts to snow
Only know you love her
when you let her go

"Let Her Go"- Passenger

This rather popular song is written in a poetic form. Everyone hears it on the radio and might think about the meaning of the song as they listen to it, but have they really look at the lyric in detail. After looking at the song in detail, we notice the end rhyme (orange), the rhyme that keeps the song flowing smoothly. This song is also filled with assonance (green), the repetition of certain sounds and letters emphasize the very last word in the line and make it stand out.

Euphony is used throughout the story, it makes the song appear as if it's talking to you in a soft voice. The words that "make a sound" are used to tell a big part of the story and even makes it pleasant to listen to. Sibilance is used in the second part of the song, all the "s" sounds put emphasis on the last word "snow." Line breaks and enjambment also put emphasis on the final word of each line.


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