Purple Hibiscus Reading Response

Purple Hibiscus is a very interesting book. Just by reading the first part of this novel I find that it is a very different read than other book she have read in the past. Many twist and turns occur in the book and you have to read carefully to spot them. At times it is is hard to understand some of the events that occur in the book until discussed with the class.

The main character and narrator, Kambili, is a fifteen-year old girl living with her wealthy family in Nigeria. Wealth and religion play a huge role in the development of the general meaning in this novel. We see the family go out into public and see the oppressed people outside of their house walls. We see the very religious family pray, attend church, and even visit with the priest outside of church sessions. Us as Americans also notice many bad things happening throughout this novel, but they see it as a normal occurrence.


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