Free Post- Basketball

Jonny always wanted to be a part of a team. He had always dreamed of playing basketball and winning a state title and having everyone cheer and raise him in the air, like he had seen in the movies. Jonny lived is a small town in Iowa which had about 102 people who lived there. He had never even held a basketball. He worked all day on his family farm. Jonny loved waking up everyday and seeing the sun come up as he is milking the cows in the barn.

It seems to be very hard work, however, Jonny loved to do it. After his long day of work he would finish his chores and go watch tv. He had a large collection of basketball movies which he had watched time and time again. He would watch until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, he would fall asleep and get ready for the day ahead of him.

Jonny wakes up the next morning just as any other, but this morning he walks downstairs to see his parents packing all there stuff. Jonny is very confused and frightened. He asks his mom, "Mom, what's happening??" His mom replies with, "We are all moving to Atlanta for you to play basketball."


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