What are some tricks and ways to manage your time at Episcopal after your first quarter?

At Episcopal for the most part, you have lots of time to complete your assignments and turned in on time. It is extremely helpful to have a study hall and even use your tutorial time wisely. Making the most out of your free time at school and getting your assignments done will create less stress and hopefully lead to better grades. However, some weeks can be more difficult than others. For example, if a break is coming up teachers may give out last minute assignments to get them in before the break. It is helpful to anticipate these weeks and even try to get ahead of your assignments if at all possible.

Athletes, it is very important to stay on top of your schoolwork for a few reasons. One, time for homework is taken away due to after school practice. It is important to try to get as much work as possible done in school. Two, you have to do good on your assignments in order to maintain the grade in order to play your sport. Schoolwork seems to be picking up as the school year goes on and it is important to use your time wisely.


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