New Semester Reflection

First off, switching schools this fall was a very exciting experience. I learned that I needed to take advantage of my free time and get as much school work done as I can. This is especially important if you play sports. I also learned no to wait till the last minute to start homework. Procrastination only serves as a temporary stress reliever and only builds stress when the due date comes. You will notice a change in some of your grades if you plan ahead and get started as soon as possible.

Most importantly, you need sleep. What good does any of this do if you are too tired to participate in class and pay attention. My goal for the spring semester is to balance sports and school. I will try to get most of my homework done BEFORE practice so I can go to practice and then just go home and get a good night sleep. Above all, I will be working towards all As this semester.


  1. Wonderful post Austin! I agree with what you said about getting sleep, after sports and school we will become very tried and need to rest.


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